Please wash, and dry, your hands

Please wash, and dry, your hands
t is true that everyone has an opinion on the measures to be taken to fight the Coronavirus. Fortunately, at least there are official organizations with clear instructions.
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in the Netherlands is an independent government body that works systematically to inform citizens, government officials, hospital managers and the cleaning industry about pandemic developments.
Many medical websites are also up to date and often receive the following question from readers: "What can I do to prevent the spread of COVID-19?" At the top of the list of measures is the answer: wash your hands regularly.
According to RIVM, this is the most important measure you can take, along with "coughing and sneezing on your elbow", "use tissues" and "avoid handshakes". RIVM calls these measures "simple". And yes, it is so simple to prevent the virus from spreading.
However, even washing requires attention. Holding your hands under the tap for a while and - even worse! - if you do not dry them (or not adequately), you help the transmission of microorganisms! According to recent research, the results of hand washing-drying showed the following:
  • Washing hands with soap and water and drying them properly reduces the number of foreign, potentially pathogenic viral particles and bacteria on a scale of 100 to 1,000.
  •  Proper washing requires rubbing your hands together for at least half a minute to achieve this. then rinse and finally dry them.
  • Use liquid soap. and not a bar of soap that can actually boost virus transmission.
  • Using an alcohol-based gel is an alternative, but it is only suitable if you have not been in contact with a large volume of contaminated surfaces. It turns out that it is definitely not more effective than washing your hands with soap and water.
  • As washing never completely removes and does not kill pathogenic microorganisms, it is necessary to dry your hands. If your hands remain wet after washing, this may promote the transmission of microorganisms.
  • Among traditional hand drying methods - paper towels, cloths or hot air dryers - paper towels are the preferable way. Paper is effective in removing bacteria, it is not a source of bacteria itself and it does not pose a risk to hygiene if there are several clean bins.
  • After use, the paper can also be used to prevent contamination from taps or buttons. It is important that the paper and the paper dispenser work properly. It is ideal for the machine not to have buttons, to be cleaned daily. and, of course to be refilled in time.
  • So, in addition to washing your hands well, make sure you dry them well and completely, ideally with paper towels!
Finally, feel free to share this information with friends, colleagues and relatives to prevent the virus from spreading any further.
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