There are basic hygiene rules that we should follow in every season and not just when a flu or virus is on the rise.
We clean the kitchen at regular intervals
The most important rule: Clean well
According to chemist William Carroll of the University of Indiana, "Cleaning removes dirt and the organisms that adhere to it. We clean all surfaces: the kitchen counter, the kitchen table, especially if we are accustomed to eating there, the handles and doors of the refrigerator, the cutting plates, the kitchen buttons and the outer surfaces of the cabinets.
It is advisable to make a list of items to clean, and place it on the refrigerator door. Use a little soap with water. To clean our sponge at the end of the day, Carroll suggests putting it in the dishwasher along with the dishes.
The use of bleach is ideal. But we must remember that:
1) The bleach has an expiry date.
2) Dilute it with a little water.
3) Ventilate the space well when using it.
4) Be careful if you can use it on the surface or object without destroying it.
Alternatively we can use commercially available liquid disinfectant wipes and sprays as well as soap water. Allow the liquid to act on the surface for a minute and then wipe.
We must, however, read the instructions for use as each product has its own separate time that must remain on the surface until it is wiped or dried on its own.
Does vinegar do the job?
The vinegar cleans but does not disinfect. It is ineffective against most bacteria and viruses, including coronavirus.
One-use gloves
Disposable gloves can help, but if we do not have them, then remember that thorough and thorough hand washing is essential.
Container disinfection
A glass or metal objects such as bottles, jars and cans that we are going to use must have been thoroughly disinfected with any of the above liquids or cloths.
Transfer food to trays
Dry foods such as cereals, legumes, pasta and similar should be transported in airtight containers so that we do not have to worry about the possibility of the virus coming into contact with the food because of the original packaging.
If our dishwasher has a disinfection program, then it is a good idea to use it, as due to the high temperature the water has, about 70 degrees Celsius, viruses are difficult to survive.
If for some reason we do not have time to change the packaging of the product, as mentioned above, then leave it with its original in some part of the kitchen with which we do not have frequent contact in a closet for three days. Cardboard is not virus friendly.
"We know that a living virus disappears quickly on cardboard," says Professor Umbry Gordon.
Fresh products
"We don't need to disinfect fresh foods," says Obri Gordon.
Research has shown that viruses are not transmitted through food, and those that cause respiratory problems do not tend to reproduce through our digestive tract.
Hand washing
After completing the kitchen work, we must wash our hands thoroughly.
Clean towel
“We always wipe our hands with a clean towel and never wipe dirty hands with a clean towel. So should all family members. Our personal stock of clean towels is appropriate, ”said Professor William Carroll.